Instead of searching for florists, venues, caterers, etc then contacting each of them one by one, you can simply ask once and the quotes come to you.
Organising flowers for your wedding? Just fill in a simple form, hit 'send', and your request will be sent to florists in your local area. Each florist will send you a personalised quote then you can contact the ones you like the best.
It's free to use MyWeddingQuotes to get prices for your wedding and there is zero obligation to accept any quote you receive. Whatsmore, we don't charge our suppliers a comission so the prices you get will be the same as if you had found them on Google and contacted them directly.
Contacting dozens of different suppliers means that your email inbox and voicemail will be flooded with messages. It's easier to stay organised with MyWeddingQuotes as all your quotes are neatly listed in one place, and you can print or categorise them with a click of a button.